Co-operation negotiations (CON) data analysis

/ Pro's research services (data processed )

Key figure 1: The graph shows reported salaried employees (toimihenkilöt) under co-operation negotiations by the week of the year. Target population is Pro's five main contract sectors (finance, ict-communications, services, industry and public).

Key figure 2: Pro's contract brances most affected by the co-operation negotiations. Estimated person level risk compared to the size of the branch.

Figure. Risk measure person being being under co-operation negotiations in a certain contract branch. Open as a new sheet (to see all the classes). You can also import the data as Excel (click the topright corner of the image).

Key figure 3: Unemployement data (Pro's register)

Figure. Unemployment (työttömyys) and lay-off (lomautus) statistics, proportions in whole Pro without Pro's public contract sector (J). Total of the main sectors finance (F), ict+communications (I), services (P) and industry (T). Open as a new sheet

Key figure 4: New lay-off cases targeted in co-operation negotiations by Pro's contract groups. Data consist of the main sectors finance (F), ict+communications (I), public (J), services (P) and industry (T). Open as a new sheet
Key figure 5: Unemployment (työttömyys) + lay-off (lomautus) rate by Pro's contract groups Data consist of the main sectors finance (F), ict+communications (I), services (P) and industry (T). Open as a new sheet

(CON-)data and analysis

CON = co-operation negotiations = YT = yhteistoimintaneuvottelut

A new query more suited for the statistical analysis was shared to Pro's shop stewards in 25.3.2020. Now the old and new co-operation data are merged together.

Data is considered as a sample from our member-field. It's reasonable to assume that not all the actual CON-cases will be reported to Pro's query system. So the statistics could be an underestimation of the real number of the cases. In addition there are plenty of Pro's members working in small companies without repsentative shop steward.

Some of the bigger graphs are better viewed in own web page. Also use keys: Ctrl +/- to make the graph contents bigger/smaller.

All the Pro's contract branches

Figure. "Treemap" of the total number of persons being under co-operation negotiations by the most detailed classes among Pro's contract sectors. Zero number classes are not pictured. Open as a new sheet

Pro's main sectors

Number of the reported new co-operation negotiations (notifications) cases

Figure. Cumulative number of new CON-notification by the date of answering the query. Open as a new sheet

Figure. New CON notifications by the date of answering the query. Open as a new sheet

Number of persons under CON

Figure. Cumulative number of persons under CON by the date of the first negotiations. Open as a new sheet

Pro's collective agreement subgroups

To see all the statistical units, open the graph in a new sheet.

Figure. Cumulative number of new CON-announcements by the date of answering the query. Open as a new sheet

Figure. Cumulative number of persons under CON by the date of the first negotiations. Open as a new sheet

The most detailed Pro's contract branches

Figure. Cumulative number of persons under CON by the date of the first negotiations. Open as a new sheet

Distribution of Pro's members in contract branches

Top 20 largest contract brances

Figure. Relative proportion of Pro's top 20 largest contract brances in the latest year. Open as a new sheet

Special grouping of all the contract branhes

Figure. Relative proportion of Pro's members by contract groups and year. Open as a new sheet

Special unemployment and labour market states analyses

Links to other Pro's web-applications

Fields in the data

VASTAIKA  Vastausaika
EMAIL     Vastaajan sähköposti
ETUNI     Ilmoittajan yhteystiedot:Etunimi
SUKUNI    Ilmoittajan yhteystiedot:Sukunimi
EMAIL2    Ilmoittajan yhteystiedot:Sähköposti
PUH       Ilmoittajan yhteystiedot:Matkapuhelin
TYOANT    Ilmoittajan yhteystiedot:Työnantaja
TOIMIP    Ilmoittajan yhteystiedot:Toimipaikka
SOPAL     Sopimusala/toimiala
LOMAU     Yhteistoimintaneuvottelut koskevat (voit valita useita):Lomautuksia
IRTIS     Yhteistoimintaneuvottelut koskevat (voit valita useita):Irtisanomisia
OSAIK     Yhteistoimintaneuvottelut koskevat (voit valita useita):Osa-aikaistamisia
MUUYT     Yhteistoimintaneuvottelut koskevat (voit valita useita):Muuta, mitä?
MUUYTAVO  Yhteistoimintaneuvottelut koskevat (voit valita useita):Muuta, mitä? Avoimet vastaukset
YTHLO     Kuinka montaa toimihenkilöä yt:ssä ilmoitetut työvoiman sopeuttamistarpeet koskevat?
NEUPV1    Ensimmäinen neuvottelupäivä
PVM2YES   Onko yt-kutsussa ilmoitettu mihin mennessä irtisanomiset, lomautukset tai osa-aikaistamiset on tarkoitus panna toimeen?
PVM2      Onko yt-kutsussa ilmoitettu mihin mennessä irtisanomiset, lomautukset tai osa-aikaistamiset on tarkoitus panna toimeen?
LISAINFO  Lisätietoja yt-neuvotteluista
Provincial regions (maakunnat):